Montessori Bed

Montessori Bed

The Montessori bed method of hundmi is getting a special feature not only in the way of educating the child but also in the concepts of toys and beds that are as practical as possible for your child. this and many new methods, which if you know, please write to me in the comments.

Parenting completely changes my perspective on how to raise my child. I read day and night about Maria Montessor’s method for the toys she suggested, for the way the motor part develops of the child and I chose to implement it. I absolutely do not apply the method 100% as I choose to trust my teaching instinct. But what I wanted to stop in this article is a point that I embraced as soon as I saw it for the first time.
The Montessor bed is my personal choice for several reasons that I want to share with you

Safety and Comfort in Sleep in Montessori Bed

To all mothers without exception, I think it has happened to you that the child falls from the bed, whether it is the child’s own bed or that of the parents. If the child sleeps in the montesor bed, the height that this bed offers is very close to the ground and allows the child to fall out of the bed during sleep rotations. It has a height that does not allow the child to be killed, unlike the first two models I mentioned.

Practical and Secure Accessories

2-Its accessories are several movable doors that provide higher security. Also, different shapes such as triangular or cardboard make it more attractive for the child. It gives you the opportunity to place lights and wall papers around it and this makes for your child to see it as more of an attraction

Encouraging Independence

3-Your child can easily get in and out of his bed without needing your help. This gives the child greater safety and comfort in the actions he does and is not dependent on the parent 100% (I refer to the age when your child is a toddler). Also, your child creates his own routine and as soon as bedtime goes he goes to sleep in his bed.

Bonding Moments and Creative Freedom

4-If the child in the morning wants the parent to read a book to him or to be next to him, there are several models of monte bed that allow you to lie down together with your little one and spend the most beautiful moments together.The space that this bed has allows a full and quiet movement of your child.

Promoting Imagination and Personalization

5- Choose together with your child how you want to decorate the bed by changing the decor if your child wants. This undoubtedly develops your child’s imagination and together you spend a creative time choosing the colors and the last details to complete the baby’s bed/ yours

Making an Informed Choice

6-I am showing you several models of montesor beds and together with your child you can choose the right one. I wish you to make the right choice and don’t forget to give as much love to your little ones as time flies.

Respect for the Child: The design aligns with the Montessori philosophy of respecting the child’s natural development and providing an environment that encourages exploration and learning

The Montessori bed concept emphasizes creating a child-friendly space that supports their development and allows them to engage with their surroundings in a meaningful way.

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